Kula Devi Officials and Rules
For smooth running of all functions of an unit of society, there are some defined arrangement of every unit. There are some pre defined automatic systems established to comply every activities and traditions related with Gods and Godesses of District Kullu. This system is known as Godess’s and God’s ‘Kar – Karinde’, ‘Kaji – Dhami’, ‘Sewadar’, ‘Kaamdar’, ‘DeudhDhar’, ‘Karmishth’ or Committee. Full responsibility to comply these traditions of Godess’s and God’s function under their guidance. Main source of ‘Deuli’ traditions and ‘Dev Vidhi’ is related with concerned Godesses/God. All established tradtions of the region or systems work under the law framed by the indication and wish of the concerned Godessess/God. In the system based on ancient ‘Karkoon’s, there are some uniquely defined and established rules, traditions, mysteries, and limitations of works and responsibilities for every ‘Karkoons’. These ‘Karkoon’s are responsible for towards these sytems. On ignorance of these traditions they might become the victim of conserned Godessess/God’s umbrage. There are solutions available for the penance and punishment according to time, places and traditions. Therefore, these ‘Dev’ systems are called difficult and further like the double edge of sword. While continious fullfillment of ‘Dev’ systems, generation by generation, now these systems have been adopted paternal. In most of the cases, Even, concerned ‘Devta’ does not transfer these responsibilities to others leaving old one, and the same designation are also called their alias.
Other than this ‘Karkoon’ system, There has been been formed some registered committees and under government controlled committees too. There has been commencement of governement aid towards the development of ‘Dev’ places. By then, In the intension of fullfillment of government compliances, registered committees have been established. They have their objectives and defined rules and by-laws of selection. But, there is the absence of serious devic responsibilities in the officers of these registered committees in comarision of that of old ‘Karkoon’s. However, the adverse effect of God’s unpleasure goes to account of these ‘Karkoon’s, due the work deficiencies and irregularities by these registered committees. In traditional committees, there exists different officers. Their works and responsibilities are almost similar in case of most of the Gods and Godessess.
- ‘Kaardar’ : – The main care taker of Devta is ‘Kaardar’. In old Seraj it is called ‘Karaoo’ where it is ‘Kanisth’ in Malana. While in ‘Dev-Vak’, somewhere it is called ‘Bhanain’. To collect and bind scattered objects or twigs, it is called ‘Bhanain’, it means if the ‘Bhanain’ (tied) is reliable then bundle will not scatter in twigs. Similarly, if the main care taker of ‘Devta’ is reliable then ‘Dev-Har’ and traditions collectively will run smoothly. ‘Kaardar’ word is derived from ‘Farsi’. Perhaps, by the time, ‘Devi/Devta’ got the land and properties and became the owner then in the Kingdom and in the government system, to comply with the responisibilities related with the revenues, this designation might be formed. After the independence, commissioner became the whole and soul of the whole administration of the district in the government so ‘Kaardar’ is appointed as the trusty of district collector to comply with the responsibility of collecting revenues concerned with ‘Gods/Godessess’. The appointment is made by the district collector. Carrying out the devic traditions from long, now this post has became by generation and parental. But, at some places, ‘Kaardar’ is changed by ‘Devta’. ‘Hariyan’ should be regarded also. But this post is carried out very less other then from by generations. There are some rules ‘Vajib ul arj’ of ‘Kaardari’. ‘Kaardar’, however is desired to have with detailed knowledge of all related aspects but in the absence, at least standard information and knowledge is a must. In the matter of ‘Dakhal Kharaj’ of the heir of ‘Kaardar’, hon’ble High Court of Himachal Pradesh in his decision 02/07/1998 R.S.A. No: 105/95 in the case between Kekh Ram vs Yuv Raj clarified it. Ref. Endst. No: 216/R-DC Dated: 30/01/2009/D.C. Kullu. Finally, ‘Kaardar’ is the ultimate resposilbe accountable and trustee for concerned ‘Gods/Godessess’. At several places, ‘Nawab Kaardar’ are also available for support. Main ‘Kaardar’ also appoint ‘Sakhrah’.
- Goor : – Authorised spokesman of ‘Devi/Devta’ is ‘Goor’. To find out ‘Goor’ the process is serios and full of mystery. Only after proved pure and genuine, the post of ‘Goor’ is finalised. ‘Goor’s are also by generation. Several God’s have more than one ‘Goor’. Senior most ‘Goor’ is called ‘Malesh Goor’ and other ‘Goor’s are called ‘Doldu Goor’. The right to choose ‘Goor’, solely exists with ‘Devta’. In one hand, where the work of ‘Goor’ is full of pains whereas in the another hand, it is serious, sensible and full of challenges. After the selection of ‘Goor’, He also separates himself from familie’s ‘Sutak – Patak of Gotra’. God’s ‘Bharta’, ‘Varshoa’, daily rules and mysteries and secrects Goor get from his elder generations. If, due to any reason, these traditionals are not available to any new Goor then priest of Devta and another ‘Goor’ made them learn. The main job of Goor is to make himself available with the ‘God’ in Dev-festivals, fairs and in rites. In the return to the dev-activities there are also some ‘Sharhe – Hisab’ for the ‘Goor’ which is paide to him by the Dev-Administration. The jobs of ‘Goor’ are ‘Bharta’ giving of Devta, doing ‘Deu-Khel’ , recognising and detecting the power and indications or directions of God and act and order accordingly. Where there is no Goor for a long time even after the death of a Goor then other people even can speak by virtue of Devta’s power and priest carry out the ritual works of Goor. There is no caste restrictions in the selection of Goor.
- : – Persons who worship Devi/Devtas are called priest or ‘Pajiara’. This post is also by generation. Priest of many Devtas is also selected by the process similar to ‘Goor’ who is free from the fault of family’s ‘Sutak Patak Dosh’ of ‘Gotra’. Priest is the authorised for Chariot, Crown, ‘Ghoondi’, ‘Pindi’, ‘Dehre Bhandar’ means chariot, main façade, ‘Ghoodi – dhadya’, temple’s worship area, ‘Garbh Grih’ and ‘Dev Shala’. The work and activities in these areas are performed only by the hand of priest or their familiy members. At several places priest work by days or by month or by schedule system. At several places, worship activities are performed on daily basis. By several Devtas, lands are provided to their priest. But, after the implementation of ‘Mujariyat law’ they became owner of the land. Activities of Goor are performed by the Priest of those Devtas, who have no Goor. Usually, priest are from Rajput families but Priest of many Devtas are Brahmans also. Work of a Priest is also painfull and serious. Priest also keeps mysterious informations about the temple and traditions related with concerned Devi-Devtas. Secracy of these is a must. At several places, Priest is payble a percentage or other part from the gift given to Devta. There are laws of ‘Dogi’ or ‘Sahvi’ (Part).
- ‘Bhandari’ :- The store where precious jewellaries, ‘Nishan’, ‘Chadar’, ‘Mukh – Mohre’, Pots are kept is called ‘Bhandar’ or ‘Bhandagaar’. Care Taker and one who arranges this store is called ‘Bhandari’. At several places, ‘Bhandari’ resides there and also work as a security guard and at some places all such activities are performed by the priest himself. Dev-Shala (Deu Shah) is also established in one part of Store. Here, worship is performed daily and after preparation of meal it is granted to God either in evening or in morning.
- ‘Kuthiala’: – The representative person who is responsible for the grains storage of Devi/Devta, upkeeping and care taking of Pots/utensils is called ‘Kuthiala’. Grain store building of Devta is called ‘Kuthaar’ or ‘Kothi’. Main pot of kitchen ‘Charua’ (‘Annpurna’) is kept there. ‘Kuthiala’ is responsible for upkeeping, lifting and usage rules. Old container to measure grains which is a stone in the shape of a basket by weight 1 and half kg is called Bisaju then measurement container made of wood but today it is ‘Tath’ made of metals like iron, brass, copper and silver. The duty of a ‘Kuthiala’ is to fill grains, keeping, giving it to ‘Banth’ for cooking meal, taking care of excess or less in Kothi/Kuthar and to keep a healthy relationship with ‘Kaardar’ and other concerned with Devta. In many ‘Kothi’’s ‘Soor’ is enjoyed while in Dev-festivals. This duty is also performed by the ‘Kuthiala’ with the help of villagers. He carries out his duty according to ‘Dev-vidya’.
- ‘Ganthidar’ : – One who manage the money of Devi-Devta are called ‘Ganthidar’. Today, this job is of the nature of Treasurer. It is the duty of a ‘Ganthidar’ to safe keeping of fund, giving and taking of fund according to the need of time. At some devi-devtas, this wo
- Paalsara:- In ‘Kaarkoon’, The post of ‘Paalsara’ is like of a general assistant. There is one ‘Paalsara’ in the village, where there is ‘Dev-Haar’ exists of one village, but where there are many ‘Dev-Haar’s of different villages, there are many ‘Paalsara’s for every indivisual village. At several places this post is also by generation. Complete arrangement of any rituals, feast or any other ‘Dev-Karaj’ in a village is done by the ‘Paalsara’ and he acts as the helper of ‘Kaardar’, Priest and ‘Kuthiala’. He keeps the information of ‘Hisab-sharhe’ related with ‘Hariyan’, ‘Muzariyan’, Playing instruments and ‘Bajantari’.
- ‘Kayath’ : – Accounts of Devi-Devta’s or documentation work or writing decisions of other information are carried out by the officer called ‘Kayasth’ or ‘Kayath’. He acts as a secretary. Accounts of Devi-Devta’s, ‘Dol-Bahi’, details of proceedings, documentation and it’s management, or putting the same in the meeting of Hariyans are some of the jobs of ‘Kayath’. At severeral places this post is by generation, but sometimes they are changed. Others may be appointed as ‘Kayath’ by Devtas.
- Banth:- Banth performs many jobs like ‘Deuli’ of concerned Devta, care taking of ‘Charua’ in festivals, Dev-festives and in other Dev-activities, cooking food in it, presenting ‘Bhog’ to Devta of cooked meal etc. Where there is the occasion of large scaled ‘Dev-Rasoi’, other people also supports him in these activities. It is the responsibility of ‘Banth’ and ‘Kuthial’ to follow and comply with the rules and traditions of ‘Charua’ for maintaining it’s holiness. Main ‘Charua’ is picked from the ‘Kothi’ along with the tunes of ‘Dev-Badya’ and after cooking again it is placed with the similar tunes of ‘Dev-Vadya’. Earlier ‘Banth’ were used to cook meal for ‘Kar-Karinde’s and musical instrument player who were living in ‘Devalaya’. In large sclae feasts, separate arrangements need to be done.
- ‘Jathali’ : – The jobs of ‘Jathali’ are like passing information related with ‘Devta’’s to others on the advice of ‘Kaardar’ regarding meetings, passing information about special ‘Deuli’, invitation sending on the occasion of festivals, arrangement of wood, ‘Shaili’ and ‘Mashal’ (lighting) in ‘Devalay’, collecting and then making grains reached to ‘Kothi’ along with ‘Kuthial’s and ‘Paalsar’s and keep himself always available in the service of ‘Devta’ whenever chariot of ‘Devta’ exit outside. In case of excess work he takes the help of others who are paid by ‘Dev-Administration’. At many places, land of ‘Dev-Sewa’ lies with ‘Jathali’s for ‘Kaast’ purpose. Now in the ‘Muzariat’ law this has become their ‘Milkiat’. Where land is not made available to them, there, it is the custom to pay ‘Jathali’s grains and money. But in upper valley region, on the occasion of ‘Nagehad utsav’, there are serious and special traditions, according to which, ‘Jathal’s are lifted on the flail of wood after putting horns of ship in their turban. Guidelines and traditional responsibilities and ignorance causees great unfavorable results. For this purpose, arrival day and departure day after finishing work, both are finalised only after verbal permission from ‘Devi/Devtas’. Many times ‘Devta’ advice the need of ‘Bali’ of Ship/He-goat while on return, before entry to village or house. ‘Jathali’ arranged for the same at it’s own part. Work of passing notifications about Dev-activities at somewhere is served by the service man called ‘Karwal’.
- ‘Dhami’:- Main job of ‘Dhami’ of Devi/Devtas is to ensure availablity of worship goods along with the Priest. Preparing of ‘Bhog’ where ‘Bhog’ is presented to Devta in everyday worship, cleaning of temple and fetching water for worship are some jobs of ‘Dhami’. ‘Dhami’, like ‘Goor’, ‘Kaardar’ and Priest always be with Devta.
- ‘Mohta’:- ‘Mohta’ looks after the general work and ensure about the distribution of duties and responsibilities like who will fetch water, who will cook meal, whol will clean utensils, who will cut the he-goat in ‘Deuli’. It is ‘Mohta’, who takes care of accounts of ‘Goor’, Priest, ‘Kaarkoon’s and ‘Dogi’.
- ‘Phoolahri’: – The person in service of collecting and picking flowers and to prepare garland of those to present Devta/Devis, is called ‘Phoolahri’. At many places this work is performed by the men and women of ‘Nath’ sect. Priest, after choosing or picking flowers from the basket of ‘Nath’ provide them ‘Dev-Chaadar’ or ‘Dupatta’ as honorarium. At some evergreen temples, one like ‘Thakar Ramchandra Temple’, Manikarn there are flowers picker or garland preparer on salary. On the post of ‘Phoolari’ there could be people from any caste. ‘Phalari’ of many devta’s fetch devine flowers from mountains and ‘Jot’s like ‘Jetha Birsu’ and ‘Konha Birsu’ that means on the occasion of ‘Chaitra Sangrad’ and ‘Vaishakhi’, flowers like ‘Guna’ and ‘Thalana’ are collected and presented to Devta. Similarly, during the period of ‘Sawan Shayar’ and ‘Bhado’ a herbs namely ‘Loshar’ (frangrancing grass) is picked from the mountains and presented to Devta. If it is asked to ‘Phalari’s’ then it is told that there are limitations of plucking these flowers. As a remuneration, there is a custom of providing grains and etc to them. Just after the morning worship, these flowers are placed in the Dev-chariot. It is assumed that along with these holy and scarce flowers and leaves, there is arrival of power of ‘Jogadi’ and ‘Van Devi’ from mountains. These flowers are carried and picked with due holiness and with due fear. To the places, where ‘Sur’ is enjoyed on the occasion of ‘Dev-Utsav’, ‘Dheli’ is poured into the ‘Sur’ which is made of barley/’Kodra’s flour and mountain’s herbs. These herbs are also picked and carried by ‘Phalaris’. At some places, ‘Jathali’ also fetch herbs from the mountains.
- ‘Bausan/Nagaari’ : People who carry wood, grains etc in God’s or Godessess’s feast or rituals are called ‘Bausan’ or ‘Nagaari’. If the work load is heavy then other people are also engaged in the work by the Dev-Administration. Remuneration against this work is borned by the Dev-Treasure. At many places, work of a ‘Bausan’ is also carried by ‘Jethali’.
- ‘Karwal’: The work of giving information to call for meeting of Dev-Committee or Dev-Hariyaans is assigned to ‘Karwal’. At several places this job is performed by ‘Jathali’. Where, there is no post of ‘Karkoon’, there general Hariyans or commettee member is assigned to compelte this duty which is acceptable to all.
- ‘Jathera/Pogaldar’: – The work of a ‘Jathera’ and ‘Pogaldar’ are like maintaining peace on the occasion of feasts, rites, festivals related with ‘Devta’, to stop general public in prohibited areas, proper implementation of decision or judgement given by ‘Devta’ etc. At several places, they also guard of stores. They get salary from Dev-Treasure. Their job is like that of a sub-inspector.
- ‘Nashandar’: – One who lifts Devta’s momento, embelem, flag, stick, ‘Suraj Pankhe’ like symbols and Fire – ‘Sagdi’, Iron – ‘Gurj’, ‘Chanwar’, ‘Mormutha’ are called ‘Nashandar’.
- ‘Naud’: – The whole and soul or principal participant of ‘Kahika’ feast are ‘Naud’ and ‘Naudan’. According to a tale as told by ‘Naud’ during ‘Kahika’, ‘Naud’ used to land on earth from ‘Indrapuri’ to perform ‘Kahika’ and after completion they used to return ‘Indrapuri’. But when ‘Bhagwan’ Narayan felt that it would be impossible to land ‘Naud’ community on earth by invitation or incurrent in Kaliyuga then by creating allure he made them ‘Korda’ or desecrate to put them on earth only so that penance could be achieved through performing ‘Kahika’ to get free from the unfavorables or sin made by the mass on earth. From then onward, Naud community is available here, there are only few family those belogs to this group is available now. There is pot like ‘Damroo’ namely ‘Narol’ available to ‘Naud’ as a God’s momento. They also have wooden shaped figure of male and female reproduction organs called ‘Taal’/’Chhanni’. They have their own method of rites called ‘Saur Mantra’ using which they perform feast like ‘Kahika’ or ‘Hoom’. Besides this, their job is to pray ‘Dev-stuti’, performing ‘Muzra’ (‘Mudrayen’) on the tune of ‘Chhanni’/’Manjir’. At several places, land of ‘Devta’ has been given to them for ‘Kaast’ purpose. Now they have become owner of this land. Besides for their principal ‘Devta’, when they perform ‘Kahika’ by any person at any other ‘Devta’’s place of elsewhere, in this case they take their full remuneration. Like ‘Purohit’ in ‘Vedic’ rities, it is ‘Naud’ and ‘Naudan’ in case of feast of ‘Kahika’. In feast of ‘Kahika’, Naud make his palm full of barley grains and scatter them towards different places like in front of Devta’s chariot, below the ‘Kahika’, in ‘Devalaya’ surrounding, in front of main entrance of home and used to shout some vulgure wordings and finally bless everyone there for happiness and wealth and penance. In ‘Kahika’ feast ‘Bajantari’ plays a different tune ‘Kahika’ special. This tune is not played in ‘Deuli’ without any serious reason. In ‘Kahika’ feast, ‘Naud’ is made symbolic dead by throwing arrow and then covering him by white cloth and inserting five precious stone in his mouth. Later on his life is restored which is considered to be the test of devine power. Another moments, Naud community live like a common citizen.
- ‘Swangi’: The art of presentation of homour or fun in the society to create pleasure and laugh amongst workers and other group is known as ‘Swang’. In local dialect, artist of ‘Swang’ is called ‘Swangi’. Many are ‘Swangi’ by the generations. ‘Swangi’s have their own diety. They always keep the symbol of their diety in the form of wooden face mask (‘Maropda’) with them. ‘Swangi’ perform ‘Swang’ along with this mask/’Maropda’. But it is omen to touch it by anyone and it is forbidden. This mask should be picked, carried, dressed or keep out very carefully. To make this mask the process involved is similar as that of making ‘Dev-Rath’. ‘Swangi’ of Devta ‘Sun Narayan’ belongs to village ‘Matewada’(Jari). It is said that to design this mask it needs around 4 to 6 ‘Pehru Wali’. At several places there are ‘Khanera’ and ‘Khaneri’ and these are decorated in the form of ‘Tunda’ –‘Tundi’ on the occasion of ‘Faagli’ festival. They dance putting this mask on their face.
- ‘Wari’:- In Malana, In so many temples of ‘Jamloo’, There are some ‘Kaamdar’ are appointed, called ‘Wari’ whose duty is to collect annual grains called ‘Pachaud’. At some ‘Devta’ places ‘Wari’ works as a mediator between ‘Goor’ and ‘Sawali’ during ‘Dev-Poochh’. ‘Wari’ may be selected by a common ‘Haariyan’. Now a days, other than traditional designated ‘Wari’, members are also appointed for a fixed term.
- ‘Badhei’:- Mechanic who constructs temple or chhariot or one who construct ‘Dev-Shala’ are called traditional ‘Badhei’. Each devta has their own ‘Badhei’. For Devta ‘Sun Narayan’, their ‘Varah Badhei’ belongs to village ‘Chanahladi’. For Devta ‘Kaali Nag’ their ‘Sheelu Badhei’ belongs to village ‘Sheela’,Manikarn. Devta’s who have no ‘Badhei’, they have to entrust job after permission taken in ‘Dev-Poochh’. Initially, it was the in the custom to fix the remuneration in advance for ‘Dev’ related work, but now a days, full remuneration is fixed in advance. To indulge ‘Badhei’ of another ‘Devta’ if permitted by any ‘Devta’ then this ‘Devta’ has to give a symbolic ‘Shutak’ called ‘Hua’ to priest or ‘Kaardar’ of the ‘Devta’ to whom this ‘Badhei’ belongs to. Failing this one has to be the victim of ‘Devta’’s anger. After completion of the work, these ‘Badhei’ throw some grains of barley on temple and ‘Dev’ Chhariot and bless and also commit penance. After paying them full remuneration from ‘Devta’ side, they are also honoured.
- ‘Sonar/Thathiaya’:- One who design and prepare face of Devi-Devta, façade, statue, ‘Aayushap’, ‘Chhatra’, ‘Patke’, ‘Paatku’, ’Taviyat Mukut’, etc are called ‘Sunar’ (Goldsmith) and one who design and prepare playing instruments like ‘Dhol’, ‘Nagaare’, ‘Narsinge’, ‘Ghaniri’, ‘Kaahi’ are called Thathiyar. Long ago, ‘Luhar’ (blacksmith) were by generation who designs and prepares symbols like ‘Gurj’, ‘Sangal’,’Kataar’, etc. But in these days, people of this category has been started switching to another profession from their old one. Now these work has been done by the expert available elsewhere. But, symbolically, request of the ‘Devta’ for ‘Murhut’ for old generation people is fixed. Like other ‘Dev’ activities these work also be done through holy processess and by one time fastening and complete holiness.
Similary, cobbler who cover leather on ‘Nagara’, ‘Dafaal’ have become scarce or very few. Long ago, Cobbler to serve ‘Devi-Devtas’ were by self always willing to dedicate themselfes by generations.
- ‘Neehar’: – ‘Neehar’ fetch water from water source daily for the worship of God/Godessess. At some places, this work is performed by ‘Dhami’. But, most of the priest group of people fetch water for worship from themselves.
- ‘Purohit’:- Job of ‘Purohit’ is to perform rituals, ‘Yagya’, ‘Jap’, ‘Paath’, seeking and telling best time to perform construction work or rennovation of temple or establishment time. For every God and Godessess they have their own ‘Purohit’ from different ‘Kul’. He gets the remuneration from the ‘Dev’ treasury.
- ‘Gayak’:- There have been appointed some singer to sing ‘Aarti’ or ‘Praying’ while worship of ‘Devtas’. At several places, on special occasion different types of song is sung like ‘Reet’, ‘Gune’, ‘Khadee’, ‘Geeta’, ‘Waar’, ‘Shranni’, ‘Holi’, ‘Faag’, ‘Basant’ etc. But, Devta’s who have their own ‘Naud’, they perform praying with harmonics and tunes of bells made of bronze and dance on the tune of ‘Mazeer’. Females/Women who sing and performs ‘Gune’, ‘Reet’, ‘Waar’, ‘Shroni’ are called ‘Shoughadi’.
- ‘Jamaani’ – ‘Kahaar’ – ‘Waali’- One who carry chariot of devta on their shoulder are called ‘Jamani’. ‘Jaman’ is two front end of chariot. ‘Waali’ are those who give support through both sides of Chariot. Two ‘Jamani’ and Two ‘Waali’ are needed for ‘Khada’ and ‘Feta’ style of chariot. But four ‘Jamani’ ‘Jaman’ to carry ‘Khand Choud’ and ‘Paalki’ type of chariot in the region of Aani, Seraj and Diyari. Only one person carry ‘Kardoo’ (Basket) style of chariot in one’s lap or on shoulder. There are fixed and pre defined people of the recognised generation to carry ‘Dev-Rath’ on the occasion of pilgrimage. Many devtas are carried by the people with bare foot without any shoe and likes. All people of almost all ‘Haar’ can carry chariot but by wearing cap on their head but not with bare head. But many ‘Devtas’ are carried by only selected ‘Kahaar’.
- ‘Bajantri’: One who plays ‘Dev-Vadya’ are called ‘Bajantri’. There are separate tunes for every indivisual devtas. One who plays ‘Dhouns’ is called ‘Dhounshi’, One who plays ‘Bhanan – Kansi’ is called ‘Bhanahi’, one who plays ‘Dhol’ is called ‘Dholi’, one who plays ‘Nagara’ is called ‘Nagarathi’, One who plays ‘Dafal’ is called ‘Dafaali’, one who plays ‘Goonjoo’ is called ‘Goonjoore’, one who plays ‘Karnaal’ is called ‘Karnali’, One who plays ‘Narsinga’ is called ‘Narsingchee’ and one who play ‘Shahnai’ is called ‘Heshi’. These ‘Bajantri’ people are paide their remuneration from the dev treasury which is increased time to time. If any devi/devta or person or any indivisual invite them for their self purpose then he has to manage for their lodging, fooding and their daily remuneration. In rituals or dev feasts, Bajantaris are paid from cooked food for every member (‘Preeje’) of their family but now it is paid in cash also. ‘Dhounshi’ lead the whole team of instrument players. he is well known of and keeps even a minor knowledge ‘worship Aarti’, ’Juoona – Wela’, ‘Uthanun’, ‘Shanaun’, ‘Nadhaun’, ‘Chadhai’, ‘Utrai’, ‘Pahoonch’, ’Mel’, ’Joa’, ’Badhai’, ‘Arj’, ’Deuli’, ‘Deu Khel’, ‘Bhariaun’, ‘Vashaan’ (seating), ‘Dhoop’, ‘Aarti’, ‘Narol’. The art of awakening ‘Dev-Sakti’ lies with these ‘Bajantariees’.