Kula Devi and Kaulantak Nath
The tradition of Kula Devi and Her Sculptures have always been in the private care of the Kaulantak Peethadheeshwar for thousands of years. It is known that the tradition of Himalayan Siddhas has existed since eternity. And that the unbroken lineage of the Himalayan Siddhas began with Devi Kurukulla (one of the forms of Goddess Parvati) and Swacchanda Bhairav (one of the forms of Bhagwan Shiva). But when the sculpture of Devi Kurukulla and Swacchanda Bhairav was first made still remains a mystery. The name of His Holiness, the then Kaulantak Peethadheeshwar, the One who first made the sculptures of Kula Devi and Swacchanda Bhairav is unknown. What is known is how the sculpture came into being.
It was the pilgrimage that the then Kaulantak Peethadheeshwar, His Holiness, was on to Kailash. His Holiness was returning from the pilgrimage to Kailash. On the return journey, His Holiness found a small stone. He picked it up and decided to keep it with Him since the stone looked special with a touch of shining metal in it. His Holiness kept the special stone in the small bag He was carrying with Him and went to sleep at night. That night His Holiness saw a dream wherein the Supreme Goddess Parvati along with Swacchanda Bhairav came to His dream and the Devi said that, “You are carrying the Divine metal. Make a small sculpture of mine from this metal.” His Holiness woke up from His dream and found that He was holding the metallic stone with both His hands clinged to His chest. He was surprised since He kept the Divine stone in His bag earlier.
He decided that on His return He will make the sculpture. It is not known whether the sculpture was made by whom (which artist) and whether it was made in Nepal or in Uttarakhand is unknown. The known fact is that When His Holiness returned, He had the sculptures of Goddess Kurukulla and Swacchanda Bhairav with Him.
The tradition of Kula Devi is carried forward by the One who has been handed over the sculptures and the belonging of the Kula Devi. And the One who has the Sculptures and the Malimukh of the Devi with Her Bhairav is the one and Only Kaulantak Nath. Kaulantak Nath Have been from different parts of Himalayas and so the Devi also went from one place to another till Her temple was first built. Since recent times, the Devi’s sculptures now has a temple and She does not going to go to places but resides in temple, since His Holiness, Mahasiddha Ishaputra is the last Kaulantak Nath.
It is an unknown mystery that since when the tradition of Kula Devi and Her sculptures, along with Her other belongings, began with Kaulantak Peethadheeshwar. The lineage of Kaulantak Peeth with its Kaulantak Peethadheeshwar has been an unbroken lineage for thousands of years. It began with Devi Kurukulla and Her Bhairav, Swacchanda Bhairav. The lineage of Kaulantak Peeth has been eternal on this planet and it will continue to remain so.
But when did the tradition of Kula Devi’s sculpture began with the Kaulantak Naths? Which Kaulantak Nath first made the sculpture and the Malimukhs of Kula Devi? As of today, the list of last twenty-one Kaulantak Peethadheeshwar is known and is given below. Before the year 972 AD the list is unknown. It was propagated through the ‘Maukhik Parampara’ before that. Although, it is known that which MahaRishi or the Mahasiddha was the Kaulantak Nath, but their year of succession is unknown.
The list of 21 Kaulantak Peethadheeshwar is as follows:
The twenty, Their Holiness, Kaulantak Peethadheeswars, kept the tradition of the Kula Devi secret with Her Malimukhs, sculpture and belongings. It was from the great Gurumandal along with His Guru, MahaHimalayadhipati Mahasiddha Siddha Siddhanta Nath Ji, that His Holiness, Mahasiddha Ishaputra received the tradition of Kula Devi with Her belongings to be kept in His private care. His Holiness reserves the exclusive rights to the privacy of the Kula Devi, Her sculpture, Her Malimukhs along with sculpture and Malimukh of Swacchanda Bhairav and Her tradition because it is passed on exclusive to His Holiness (to one single person only). It is not passed on to Siddhadharma also. It is the tradition that is exclusive to the highly attained Chetanas, the Mahasiddhas, who became the Kaulantak Peethdheeswar only. No other Mahasiddha, Rishi, Maharishi, Bhairav or Bhairavi is entitled to see the sculpture, the Malimukhs and the belongings of the Goddess Kurukulla until His Holiness, Mahasiddha Ishaputra wishes so. That is how the tradition of Kula Devi is.
Along with this the Gurumandal also declared His Holiness, Mahasiddha Ishaputra as the last Kaulantak Nath. Reasons are evident to us. But the Gurumandal could see it clearly hundreds of years ago. Today the Government has changed the rules, after democracy came into picture, the environment has slowly turned strange for the highly advanced ‘Chetanas’ who are present on this planet in physical form. The major Himalayan regions have been turned to National Parks, it is now impossible for the serious spiritual seekers to roam freely on the Himalayas. It has now become impossible to live and do deep Sadhanas in the Himalayas. Looking at this, the great Gurumandal decided that this tradition of the Kaulantak Peethadheeshwar won’t survive after His Holiness. Because the level of Sadhanas that are needed to do for the going-to-be Kaulantak Peethadheeshwar, are possible only in deep Himalayas. And it is restricted by the Government. Without the permission of the Police Department one can’t go to those places. While it is considered as inauspicious to inform anyone about one’s Sadhna in Himalayan Siddha tradition. In fact, to be able to go on an important pilgrimage like Shri Hans Kund, even His Holiness, Mahasiddha Ishaputra, has to submit an application, in order to take His Bhairav Bhairavi along with Him. One has to inform how many are going and for how long.
Due to this, the secret traditions of Siddha Dharma have been defiled in present times. To prevent the dilution and defilement of the tradition of Kaulantak Peethadheeshwar, the great Gurumandal decided that the current Kaulantak Peethadheeshwar, His Holiness, Mahasiddha Ishaputra would be the last in the Siddha tradition in the present yuga.
The Gurumandal left it to the last Kaulantak Peethadheeshwara, His Holiness, Mahasiddha Ishaputra, to give a new direction to the traditions of Kaulantak Peeth, to find new ways for the present and future generation of the followers of Siddha Dharma and of the Bhairav and Bhairavis of His Holiness, looking at the times in Kaliyuga. How will His Holiness pave the new ways and structure, if necessary?
Then His Holiness, Mahasiddha Ishaputra thought that looking at the plight of the Government, a strong force in itself that prevails almost in all parts of planet Earth, it was a puzzle to solve on how to make new ways for the followers of SiddhaDharma. His Holiness is a Yogi. How would He, the great Yogi, would pave new ways in the comprehensive tradition of The Kaulantak Peeth?
It was then that the great Gurumandal and the Guru of His Holiness, MahaHimalayadhipati, Mahasiddha Siddha Siddhanta Nath Ji, declared Him as the Samrat, The Emperor, in order to take the kula of the Himalayan Siddhas, the Siddha Dharma and its followers forward, in the ways and discipline of Monarchical tradition. The great Gurumandal bestows His Holiness, Mahasiddha Ishaputra with the ‘Samrat-Abhishek’ Deeksha and do the Rajya-Abhishek of His Holiness.
Now the question arose immediately, how is the Rajya-Abhishek (coronation) possible without the Rajya (Empire)? The Great Gurumandal clarified that His Holiness is the ‘Samrat’ of the ‘Bhav Rajyam’ which did not exist at the time His Holiness was crowned, but would exist in future. The Bhav Rajyam means the hearts of the people. This Bhav Rajyam is referred to as the ‘Sambhal Samrajya’ by the great Gurumandal. He is the Emperor of the ‘Sambhal Samrajya’. His Holiness was asked to write the new discipline as soon as possible according to how His Holiness wants to define the new ways and discipline of the unbroken, ancient tradition of the Himalayan Siddhas- The Siddha Dharm. The work of this new Empire, the Sambhal Sarajya would be under the Kula Devi, the Goddess Kurukulla and Swacchanda Bhairav. Under their blessings, the magnanimous work of Sambhal Samrajya would be taken forward.
This is how His Holiness, Kaulantak Nath, Mahasiddha Ishaputra now have two-fold major responsibilities. On one side, His Holiness is the Jogi, who does the Sadhna, the ocean of great knowledge, the One who knows the 64 Kalas, the 64 art-forms, the knower of the Science of Tantra with all its Vidyas, and the living MahaPurush who attained the state of highest level of Samadhi. The ‘Dharm Sankat’ arose when His Holiness was bestowed with the ‘Samratabhishek’ Deeksha. His Holiness then became the Emperor at the same time when He is also the Jogi.
Although the foundation of Sambhal Samrajya was not laid, at the time when these very words the reader is reading here, were written. Neither the structure of Sambhal Samrajya was made till this time. And how will the work, the discipline, the activities of the Kaulantak Peeth will run in future with the last Kaulantak Peethadheeshwar, His Holiness, Mahasiddha Ishaputra and after Him was not written. The conversation around this did not yet begin. His Holiness have been completely taken by His duty to take the immense and secret spiritual knowledge of Kaulantak Peeth to Bharat- Varsha and beyond to the entire world. The whole world today knows the name of Kaulantak Peeth. The Sadhana of Kula Devi, the Goddess Kurukulla has begun in different parts of the Planet by multitudes of Sadhaks. Variety of Sadhanas, from Yogic Marg, Bhakti Marg, Tantra Marg, along with the deep research in the ways of science that the Siddhas of Himalayas researched on since time immemorial have begun by His Holiness, Kaulantak Nath, Mahasiddha Ishaputra and His Bhairav-Bhairavis.
You should be aware that the first Sadhana Shivir of Kula Devi was held a few years back, by His Holiness, Kaulantak Nath, Mahasiddha Ishaputra. An unexpected huge number of people applied for the Sadhana from around the world. But very few were finally allowed by His Holiness, to receive the Sparsh Deeksha of the Goddess Kurukulla. Since then, the glory of the Goddess Kula Mayi, has been reaching to far off lands and with each passing moment, the seekers of the grace of the Supreme Goddess, the Mother Goddess, the Adishakti, Goddess Kurukulla are increasing in multitudes. The Sadhaks sing the praise to the Kula Devi. They sing the hymns, the Devi Kurukulla Stuti (created by His Holiness Mahasiddha Ishaputra Himself). They do the Homa Vidhi (the Yagya), the Karmakand rituals and the mantra Sadhana with the folk devotional songs in the praise of the Goddess Kurukulla. The desire to see the Kula Devi’s Ratha has been mounting ever since throughout the world.
While the greatest Yogi Lover, the devotee of the Goddess Kurukulla, His Holiness, Kaulantak Peethadheeshwar, Mahasiddha Ishaputra have been winning the hearts of true seekers worldwide. The desire and demand to witness His Holiness, for His auspicious Darshan, especially since few years, when His Holiness, have made Himself all the more private in His spiritual duties towards the great Gurumandal, has increased to unimaginable heights. People want to see His Holiness. When these words are being written, the situation is such, that millions of people from all over the word, through emails, phone calls, private messages, request His Darshan at least once, be it online, in live sessions, or even a recorded video. They stopped asking for more than His Darshan because even that became a rarity. It was decades back that His Holiness allowed a deal of coverage and news about Him and His activities in national television and national newspapers along with the electronic media. The security team of His Holiness strictly kept Him strictly away from the Television and newspaper coverage. Today His Holiness continues to be covered widely through electronic media.
When such magnitude of spiritual work is being done, the enemies of Dharm, who are against His Holiness and His work, are also on the rise each day. So the team of Kaulantak Peeth has tightened the security of His Holiness. The Sadhaks and the Bhairav-Bhairavis of Kaulantak Peeth are also waiting to take the ancient ‘Deva-Parampara’ forward, according to the direction of His Holiness, who in turn will act in the direction of the Great Gurumandal. What will be the discipline of the tradition of Kula Devi, who all will take care of the Mother Goddess, Goddess Kurukulla? Till now the Devi was strictly personal to His Holiness, Kaulantak Peethadheeshwar, Mahasiddha Ishaputra. Will the Goddess Kurukulla along with Her and Swacchanda Bhairav’s sculptures, ‘Malimukhs’ remain personal to someone in future also? Who will get rights to the tradition of the Goddess Kula Devi. And in far future, when His Holiness, Kaulantak Nath, Mahasiddha Ishaputra, will leave His present body behind, who and under what ‘Padvi’, title, will the person or the team of people (however it is going to be) take the work of Kaulantak Peeth forward? Till now, it is a mystery while these words are being written. Hopefully the mystery will be revealed in the near future and the structure of the same will be written down soon.